I just don't Want to lose This...

Keep them longer, 'cause sometimes they wear out from my mind...


The Run of Mind

Said some words without thinking
while my both hands were trembling

Great feeling fall upon me
Force me on my knees
The feeling still struck me
But it can't hurt me physically
I can't find which part I had been struck
Still that hurt me but not physically

The longer I have been struck
The more I came to the darkness
Darkness where all colors gathered

I was in home, I loved it, but I worried
Every step makes me falling one level
deeper and deeper
I feared
I wont open my eyes
It hurts me
The chill would consume me till I came to the abyss

My deepest heart, it fades along the time
When that burden was completely calm
I would open my eyes

I'm tired
But my hands are still trembling at a time
Now, what can I do is just waiting
Until my heart will be awaken again

By Tola Augusta Jufany the Artumn


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