I just don't Want to lose This...

Keep them longer, 'cause sometimes they wear out from my mind...


Christmas 2012 Vacation

I have already posted these pictures in my FB account. Yet these ones are my favorites.

A Blessing

Was that spring – the time of colored flower?

Then why did the clouds let the light prosy?

As your face being buried in cower,

your slithering hair was never dozy.

In a savanna you may call I was.

Watching over it, waiting The Behind,

like a lion hidden in the bush, twas

your face, all was your face, merely in mind!

And forever I had been expecting.

Till, I was swallowed for whole in weary.

But I would never give up. Kept waiting…

Then, Ah! With your very eyes you saw me!?

It seemed the light was getting brighter, now.

Good Lord! You were smiling! So, let endow!

“I guess there is more Bellflower in the field”

Rapalan di ataas Bukit

                                                                                          : Bagian I
Di bawah matahari yang membuta
tak ada yang tak kering di atas. 

Seorang lelaki dan wanita
kering pula mereka,
dan tak ada yang lebih kering dari mereka

(jika kau melihat kerut jiwanya)

mereka berada, mereka berjalan
lama, sendrian di atas bukit gersang.

terdapat lingga batu, tahulah mereka:
"inilah tujuannya," kata sang pria

"marilah kita lakukan," sahut sang wanita

                                                                                          : Bagian II

Bersama-sama mereka memulai:


    1. Ne'ed, mahkluk buas yang sedih dan penyedih. Tetaplah kau sedih, seperti pada mulanya, saat ini, dan selama-lamanya. Sedihlah karena setiap kejahatanmu. Biarlah tak ada yang menebus. Dan biarkan sedihmu merayapi jiwa kami tetapi jangan terlalu dalam.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)

    2. Ne'ed, pembisik - pembisik yang tidak benar. Perusak jiwa-jiwa. Penyeret malaikat-malaikat ke dalam genangan hampa. Gesekan-gesekan angin malam pembeku sanubari, lingkupi kami tetapi jangan telan.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)

    3. Ne'ed, kau yang dibenci iblis dan diratapi para dewa. Si kambing hitam yang rakus dan kasar. Tabiat tercela di setiap bagian kehidupan. Biarlah kau selalu dijauhkan dan diasingkan, hanya dengan begitu kau bisa lebih dekat. Datangi kami, tetapi jangan peras kami.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)

    4. Ne'ed, telah dikurung lebih dari seribu hari dan tetaplah begitu. Teruslah tak berpengharapan karena kau sudah dikecewakannya. Kau tak akan pernah dilepaskan dan diberi pengampunan. Kau harapan kami tetapi jangan kecewakan.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)

    5. Ne'ed, dibawah kutuk dan pembawa kutuk. Terkutuklah kau karena mengutuki segala. Kata-kata hitam beterbangan bagai kelelawar malam. Kutuki musuh kami tetapi jangan diri kami sendiri.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)

    6. Ne'ed, dalam alam kertakan gigi kau tinggal. Di tengah jeritan-jeritan jiwa membentang sampai cakrawala merah. Perlihatkan kami alam itu tetapi janganlah masukkan kami.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)

    7. Ne'ed, hasrat-hasrat pertama, yang pernah dicintai dan dibanggakan. Biarkan kami bangga terhadapmu tetapi janganlah kami mencintaimu.

(Datanglah, di bawah perintahku, Dengarkanlah, patuhi perintahku)


                                                                                             : Bagian III
Oleh rapalan di atas bukit:
    Ne'ed, yang namanya disesuaikan dengan sifatnya,
    Sang legenda ketakutan,
    Ia yang tak boleh diketahui,
    yang harus disembunyikan,
    yang tak ada seorang hidup... pernah melihat."

                                                                                             : Catatan...
    Rapalan di Atas Bukit,
    Hari, tanggal dan tahun tak boleh disebutkan.
    Tertanda: seorang yang pernah tersesat dalam alam "Bersarkh"...

A Lovely Room

For twenty days she had not slept because
her little cute boy had been getting cold.

For the whole twenty four hours, she nursed him
and watched his pale face drawing pain.

Inside his room she brought two towels
which were used to compress his sickness.

Finally, the day the boy became conscious
came to the mother and gave her happiness.

For twenty days she had not slept because
her little cute boy had been getting cold.

The little boy opened his eye lids as he woke up
and watched over his whole lovely room.

At last, his eyes met his mother eyes.
The mother smiled to him, and he smiled.

He said, "Mother, what are you doing here?
Why don't you move and just clean this room?"


    Listen to me, O Maiden of the Cold World,
    The one who bears a seed of my heart.
    The ruler of The Moon and of The Sun,
    From miles-to-miles, I've been looking for your herb.
    I have seen hundreds colorful flowers
    but none of them has the elixir of life.
    It's only for you my soul ready to suffer,
    O Princess, ordained by The God itself.
    If I am allowed to say a word: that:
    Beyond any beautiful song you are.
    Thus, let my blood sing a song about you
    when your breath slices my neck.

    You are my kingdom, O my Edel!
    Your pistil is where I lay my heart in.
    I have seven souls, but they'll become one
    as I stride through your grass
    You are the one who never leaves me.
    whenever the cold air eats me
    a soft fragrance which saves my life
    flows tenderly between the thousand stars.

(O Edelweiss, you are the simplest one
You are the image of God;
O Edelweiss, you are the purest one
You are always in my heart;)


O Dear, I've been looking for you
since the sun was on the far west.
Why do you left me so soon
and left this emptiness in my chest

    In this Crepuscule Town
    I've been calling your name
    I've been running through
    I've been trying to hide
    from something I do not know
    Surrounded by this orange air

And I, will never be ready to
overcome this selfishness of yours.
How do I keep standing under the moon
If my fire place loses its source.

But, Oh, finally come the moon
the light freeze any tears.
Yet still you don't give any sound.
Like a broken glass my hope is
    In the end of the town
    white cold mist has come
    and surrounded my sight.
    You are walking through
    and smile through my mind.
    How could I do?

    If I'm losing you...

Menyetel Cello

Di bawah cahaya kuning lembut lampu
seorang pria menyetel sebuah cello.

Satu persatu ia memetik dua nada tiap senar.
"Sudah seperti ini kiranya," dia mengambil penggeseknya.

Ia bernafas dalam dua belas ketukan,
dan selain nafasnya
yang terdengar hanyalah jangkrik di kejauhan.

Senar ke-empat disentuh perlahan.
Seketika mengertilah ia
bila jendela di belakangnya dibelai angin.

Berderit-derit perlahan samar-samar
diperhatikannya selama delapan ketuk.

Angin yang lain menyusuri rumput-rumput
gelap ditutup bayang-bayang malam.

jikalau kau sadar, kau ternyata tak mendengar
suara jangkrik lagi, tak ada menderik.

Secara pasti, suhu menurun tajam!
Angin angin menggila!
Meraung-raung -- mendera-dera
seperti Naga mereka melata!

Rumah rumah membeku...
Kaca jendela berkeriut..
Jalanan di desa dipenuhi lampu-lampu gantung
Pecah! Pecah! Pecah!
Suram seketika...

Menuju hutan, angin-angin melilit dahan
membelah batu dan tanah...

Ikan-ikan di danau sembunyi
ketakutanlah mereka  dalam liang
Oh, sayang, mati juga mereka!
Danau beku, beserta gelapnya...

Sudah tiada lagi di darat

melesat ke atas angin-angin malam
merobek awan-awan gelap
melepaskan Sang Ratu Putih

Dengan satu perintah!
Kepada angin, anak-anak buahnya!
Bekulah malam itu...

Malam abadi...


Hanya Sang Ratu bertahta atas awan hitam
dikelilingi angin dingin



Gelap di dalam rumah...

Sang bocah membuka mata
untunglah hanya mimpi...

Ia turun dari kasurnya,
melangkah ke tangga yang menuju lantai dasar.
Sialnya ruangan itu gelap.
Lilin sudah mati, kena angin tampaknya.

Si bocah gemetaran teringat itu...
"Tapi sudahlah itu hanya mimpi,
mungkin aku akan tidur bersama ayahku"

perlahan-lahan ia menuruni tangga
karena memang gelap

ia membuka pintu kamar ayah

Tak ada ayah tidur di kasur.

Hanya ada seorang wanita
jongkok di atas tiang kasur.

Raungan gila!!!

Kereta api melaju kencang di atas rel
seratus lima puluh kilometer per jam tampaknya

dan tergelincir...
Tak terkendali...
Bahkan tak menjadi pelan
ketika hampir sampai jurang

tapi tak lama...
mulailah ia jatuh
dalam percepatan sepuluh satuan
tak ada yang menolong!
baja besar semakin cepat!
menuju karang di bawah!
hingga tinggal lima meter!
malaikat pun tak akan menjagainya...

Kegelapan meredup dalam empat ketuk terakhir

Sang pemain cello menghela napas

berseringailah ia puas

Menyetel cello-nya lagi...

Lucky Sands

Do you think that you are trapped in a box?
Or do you think you are incapable to go anywhere?

Just listen those sands under your feet!

They are tickling your bare feet
Are you not going to smile?

You should smile! Like the dwarves say,
"your big teeth are worth more than ten golden."

D'ya see those nice little white sands?
They do not have any leg, but ...
D'ya see? They are going to explore the whole ocean!
You should cheer up, Girl!

Let's laugh together in this fine beach
together with those sands
Later we're going to say, "adieu!" for them
At this sunset, a warm wave is going to pick them...

Everything will be alright, we believe!

Earlier Phase Before Playing

A purple lavender giggling at the rounded moon
had been sitting and playing her feet on the roof;
Her friends - some little fairy tones were sneaking into my room.

La! La~

La!     Matahari di atas awan           
      Teruslah ia melompatinya           
        Di atas gunung tertawa terang           
          Berderak derak rambutnya senang           
    Kena sinar girang hitam Galang           
Ikan ikan teri dalam air           
  berlepasan lewat lobang jaring           
    Senang di balik ombak berdesir           
      Pulang ke rumah di depan tivi           
Tertawa mereka sambil ngopi       

   di belakang pinus aku sembunyi
    mengintip gadis di pinggir sungai

        kakinya nan halus ia menari
               Melambung lembut ketika bernyanyi

               hinggaplah di lengannya burung pipit
        Dan gaunnya bagai embun pagi
    menyapu rumput yang hijau ini
 hingga tercipta seribu melodi

La! Matahari di atas awan           
  Teruslah ia melompatinya           
    Di atas gunung tertawa terang           
      Berderak derak rambutnya senang           
Kena sinar girang hitam Galang

A Bou

                      A Bou is a Boy
          Bou loves Ball
           But for two days long
                has got cold
He won't sleep, the Bou will playing
    with his ball Instead...

A Path of A Wood #2

A dot of light had been left behind
as I kept moving through the woods;
There was a harsh feeling of being watched
coming out from its twisting shading corner.

No more light left on this watery eyes
Kindly, those darkness invited me in
So gently they pull my arms with a seductive lips
Blinding down, the present was there, breathlessly

   A picture of a flower bed
   slowly appeared like a morning mist.
   A lovely image to be  recalled
   my last minutes, may I be healed?

The curtains were rolled up,
showing it's dark bluish stage
A new day, a dawn was on the skies
I opened my eyes, drawing a relief ending


When everything turns out so undue
When all brooks stop winding through woods

What I want is to sing

Let me sing... sing inside my little room

until either the waves stop stroking a ship
or all moss soften those red bricks

Will the most crowded city change into a ghost town?
And the wind of the white season replace the people?

Your wallpaper has recolored into a soft gray
seizing the lady's beads of light, a cry is going to happen

Then, I will sing...
Until you come for me...
I will be still singing...

The Cry of The Crows

          At last, the day will come soon!
          The day of the promised ones
          is going to be fulfilled soon.
          And finally, our wings will be restored into white.

For days, we have been so suffering
and cursed hard along with the universe.
With only carrion we must live
But still these days are full of storms

On deserts the death lurks in its sand
but nothing we have ever found there.
Those great pyramids which watch upon us
seems keeping the most rotten ones.

Once we were created with rainbow wings.
But there is no rainbow anymore
even after a falling downpour.
The sky is black, black as our wings.

          At last, the day will come soon.
          The day of the promised ones
          is going to be fulfilled soon.
          Rejoice! Our wings will be restored into white.

A Path of A Woods

A dot of light has been left behind
as I keep moving through this woods;
All shadows has been gathering under my feet;
They are hiding those carved branches above me

This skin is starting to feel cold;
A rigid sensation I would never ignored
so crossing my hands to make it warmer.
I am trying closing my eyes but the horror just keep worse

This winding path seems last endlessly;
I am speeding up and my heart is racing;
Painful, this chest can't bear it anymore;
They are shouting, everywhere, blowing up my mind!

I should have cried right now;
But I can't, my throat is suffocated;
Why do they can't stop screaming?
So hot, I feel my eyes are burning

Two lines of water wets my cheeks
as I surrender, can't help they blur me;
The dark ground would never feel soft
even if my world is spinning too fast!

Is there anybody has ever felt the same way?
The way how I get tortured here?
Yes... I think so, there is! Even worse!
Ashamed... Those chains, I'll break them!

All colourful memories is passing me gently;
Their light just feels so warm;
A wide green field is heaving in sight;
You were running among these flowers;

No more worry shall be cared!
An enormous light just filled my heart;
It is unwrapping the curtain
and showing its stage, the show will start!

No more unsure is left here!
Rising my head and walking again;
The thousand stars are suddenly shine so brightly
Hear it, they are singing! You hear it too...

It doesn't matter for me
even if there are hundreds of Everest ahead
as long as this soul dwells, because the morning will come,
I'll keep walking no matter how long I have to suffer here

A Joker

Have you ever seen a boy
whose job was not as a knight?
but he was a very fine boy
he made his king laughed every night

He was hired there to dance
on an expensive shiny carpet
His feet were so footling
cramming each nobleman's belly

But felt so sad - long nights
On his little hut he was so lonely
Desperately he thought those things
alone but with his feet

The seasons passing by
No closed eyes in the night
He killed his breath with jumps
Moving here moving there, no sit!

So again he danced,
but the king became disappointed
It seemed no fool dance anymore
No wonder, five kicks on ass he deserved for

No more money would for the next few days
Was it wrong not to win those rounded bellies?
Lost that expensive shiny carpet for the night
but has sold his breads for his feet

Yes, he had foreseen that fate
He chose not to live enslaved in that castle
Forgot the luxurious life forever
and live heavenly with those feet!